HVDC-WISE Unveils Innovative Approach for HVDC System Planning
HVDC-WISE, a collaborative research initiative focused on advancing High-Voltage Direct Current (HVDC) technologies, has unveiled a groundbreaking design and planning approach for HVDC systems. The paper, titled "Design and planning approach for HVDC systems in large scale transmission systems," was presented at the 18th Symposium on Energy Innovation in Graz, Austria.
The study introduces a systematic method for analyzing different HVDC architectural components and their impact on AC transmission grids. HVDC-WISE proposes the concept of "architectural building blocks," which combine various HVDC topologies and integration levels. This approach enables planners to conduct comprehensive investigations of different HVDC-based architectures, particularly for static studies like load flow and redispatch calculations. By incorporating design principles, the method allows for the consideration of constraints from control and protection concepts or insulation coordination without requiring detailed dynamic studies during the planning phase. This innovative approach aims to enhance the planning process for HVDC systems, which are becoming increasingly crucial for integrating renewable energy sources and improving power flow control in transmission grids.
HVDC-WISE is a consortium of leading European research institutions and industry partners dedicated to developing cutting-edge solutions for HVDC technology and its integration into modern power systems.
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